
Our vision is for a world where human health is enriched by controlling infection, enhancing immunity and managing inflammation. 


We want to better understand the way our bodies fight infection and other diseases. We investigate antimicrobials, and immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory agents in the laboratory and follow this all the way through to clinical trials. Our researchers create and work within world-class collaborative research networks, we build capacity to develop evidence-based interventions, our findings translate into clinical practice and policy, and we share new knowledge to enhance clinical care and community understanding. 


Many of our researchers are also clinicians. We work in health services and hospitals, and we conduct research through renowned centres and institutes. Our efforts focus on the response and control of emerging as well as endemic infectious diseases and health security. 

We have a strong history of rapidly and efficiently translating robust research data into clinical and policy improvements. Our approach continues to directly improve health outcomes – we revolutionise treatments so that diseases are more manageable, we advocate for healthcare access equity across all countries, and we improve the prevention of morbidities of chronic infections. 



We contribute substantive, internationally recognised research to the evidence base that has led to revolutions in: 

  • HIV and hepatitis C treatment  
  • the prevention of morbidities of chronic infections, such as hepatitis B and human papillomavirus  
  • the diagnosis, genetics and treatment of primary immunodeficiencies 
  • understanding the immunological basis of autoimmune disease 
  • the diagnosis and treatment of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
  • the treatment and prevention of childhood and adult allergies. 

We play a key role in providing the evidence base for the adoption of international best practice, including around COVID-19. We have an active role in determining national and international guidelines developed by the World Health Organization and other major agencies. 

  • Triple I Clinical Academic Group Secondment/Exchange Program

    Triple I Research supports capacity building and networking across ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø Medicine and beyond. Placements and exchange are an opportunity to promote researcher development and training by linking partner organisations, health districts and clinical/laboratory environments.

    Grants of up to $5000, supported by a detailed budget, are available for secondment and/or exchange.

    2022 applications are now open and close 11:59pm, 17 October.

    Download the application form.

    For enquiries, contact Dr Sam McAllery.

    Triple I Research Seed Grants

    Each year, seed grants of $75,000 are available. These funds support development and nurturing of broad research collaborations across the Triple I network. Projects are expected to focus on building novel programs and solutions or transforming existing research across disparate organisational hubs into a new, harmonised entity. Applications are reviewed by an external grant review panel prior to the award being made.

    2022 applications are now closed. For enquiries, contact Sam McAllery

  • ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø Medicine & Health, Infectious Disease, Immunity and Inflammation theme and  (CAG) are merged to streamline governance and administration so that we can focus on supporting research.

     is Principal of the Infectious Disease, Immunity and Inflammation Theme and Lead of the Triple I CAG. He is an immunopathologist at St Vincent’s Hospital and Director of The Kirby Institute, ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø.

    Professor Kelleher chairs the Executive Committee that also includes  (St Vincent’s Hospital, The Kirby Institute) and  (NSW Health Pathology, SESLHD) to ensure alignment with our healthcare partner priorities.  (The Garvan Institute for Medical Research),  (Centenary Institute and UTS) and  (WSU, WSLHD and WIMR) complete the leadership group that aims to foster innovation, focusing on work with a major impact on human health.

    Our Strategic Advisory Group includes leadership from clinicians, academics and others from across the SPHERE network who are experienced in knowledge translation and implementation of evidence into clinical practice ensures projects are designed and conducted to realise uptake and impact. Each SPHERE partner is shadowed by an early or mid-career researcher, to broaden their experience in research strategy and implementation. Committee members participate widely in state, national and international activities and agencies.

    Contact us

    For all enquires, contact Dr Sam McAllery, Research Development Manager.
